Donna’s been coaching volleyball for… 10ish years or so. (No, that’s not her team in the photo, it’s actually Roger Bacon High in Ohio, I didn’t have a picture our our team) I’ve grown to love the game, but there are a few things that really make me smile, even after so many years of watching.
Before any two volleyball teams play each other, they line up on opposite sides of the net, and proceed to slap hands with their opponents, and wish them good luck in the game. The girls are all good sports, but the enthusiasm level during the well-wishing isn’t at it’s highest. When you’re in the stands, you really can’t hear it well, but on the bench, it’s hilarious to hear both teams chant, “g’luck, g’luck, g’luck, g’luck, g’luck” right down the line.
Zolpidem Buy India What’s the point of my post? Not much, other than it’s one of the little joys in life that I’m making an effort to notice. 🙂 If you’re trying to enjoy the little things in life as well, I wish you g’luck!
I seriously think the redhead looks very familiar. Either from when I was in the Air Force, or somewhere else. I recognize the hairstyle and face. Weird eh.
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