I Have One Shirt

That’s not really true. I have somewhere around 16 shirts. They’re just all exactly the same brand, size, style, and material. I have the same shirt in multiple colors. But they all feel the same. They are a tri-blend fabric, no tags, and extremely soft. I wear the same thing every day. Since the shirts are different colors, it doesn’t … Read more

Why Some Things Stick

It annoys me how prevalent ADHD is in every aspect of my psyche. Really. I’d like to have some qualities and faults which don’t fall directly in line with how ADHD brains work. I used to think I was a special, albeit broken, snowflake. (Not in the political sense, I just mean in the special and unique sense) But nope, … Read more

A Simple Walk

On Star Wars Day (May the 4th… lol) of 2023, my wife Donna had the first of 3 surgeries on her heels. Donna has a genetic defect called, “Haglund’s Deformity”, which is sorta like bone spurs that were exposed to gamma rays and became Incredible Hulk level angry. While sometimes physical therapy can alleviate the pain caused by the issue, … Read more

The ADHD Podcast That Wasn’t

For a while, I was doing a podcast with a group of friends, where every week we’d take turns “deep diving” on a topic we found interesting. The Bench Ash Shirt podcast sorta died off as our lives got busy in different ways, but probably my favorite episode never happened. Or it did happen, but someone forgot to press record. … Read more

You Can’t Take it With You.

And let’s be honest, no one else wants it. I went fishing today after I dropped Donna off at work. This will surprise exactly zero people, but this particular fishing stop ended up lasting a lot longer than my normal 20 minutes of worm drowning. (OK, that’s not actually a good description, since I almost always fish with lures, not … Read more

Season 49

It’s funny that we think of, “middle age” as somewhere around 50. Assuming a 100 year lifespan is pretty darn optimistic. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be happy to experience mid-life around 65 or so. But unless we make some major medical/robotic advances in the next 30-40 years, it’s likely my mid-life is in the rear view mirror. (And not … Read more

Oh Look, a Squirrel, er, I mean FISH!

While my life has been one long string of weirdly-deep obsessions which fizzle out after I gain some level of mastery, only in the past few years have I realized why such things happen. As with so many of my weird quirks, hyper focusing on one weird hobby or passion after another is a pretty common trait of ADHD. Ayup. … Read more

An Idea I Had About a Thing…

I recently bought a few, “morning meditation” type books. I’m not really someone who actually goes through the process of proper meditation, but I wanted a short snippet that I could read and reflect on first thing in the morning. These types of things tend to be uplifting, encouraging, and generally just positive vibes all the way down. I kinda … Read more

A Walk in the Woods

For some odd reason, the weather in late February decided to go on vacation for a day. Today, we have several inches of fresh snow, and below zero windchills — yesterday it was in the mid 60s. And even though I’m behind at work, it seemed like an opportunity I shouldn’t pass up, and so I took a walk in … Read more