The Martian Movie (A Quick Review)

Most people who follow me on Twitter or Facebook (or know me in meatspace) are familiar with my excitement regarding, “The Martian” book and movie. I still think it’s my favorite book of all time. And that’s saying something. So how did the movie compare? Surprisingly well, and not surprisingly, it was less awesome than the book. The casting was … Read more

The New Ride

My beloved 1994 Chevy S-10 unfortunately drives very much like a 1994 pickup truck with 200K miles on it. Don’t get me wrong, I love my truck. The thing is, now that we’re in the city, when I commute to work in the morning it feels very much like I’m going to die at any moment. My truck shimmies, it … Read more

Shawn’s Super Quick Netflix Wii-view

Got my disk in the mail, and thought I’d stop home at lunch to try it out. Here are my thoughts, shot out into quick bullets: The interface is the best Netflix interface I’ve used yet. It’s easy to navigate your queue, similar titles, recent additions to the streaming library, etc. Activating your Wii is painless, and done online. (Like … Read more

J. J. Abrams’ Kobayashi Maru

I won’t give you spoilers, because you need to see this movie. You really do. All I will say is that it’s amazing. Some people will be angry. And the reason they will be angry is because they know they can’t be angry. Amazing. Go see it. Really.

Review: 2006 Layer Cake Primitivo

I’m not a wine pro by any stretch of the imagination, but this wine was something I just had to review. It’s weird. The back of the bottle explains the name, “Layer Cake” by saying good wine should be like a layer cake. There should be a layer of chocolate, a layer of fruit, and a layer of spices. I … Read more

Nearly Free Speech

A friend of mine suggested I try hosting with — because instead of a set monthly rate, they charge you based on usage. Low traffic sites (like mine) would cost very little to maintain. About that time, I was starting a private website, so I gave it a go. As it turns out, I’m quite happy. Don’t get me … Read more

Review: HP-2133

HP sent me one of their Mini-Note’s to review, even after the video I put up 2 weeks ago. I was impressed with how they handled themselves, and I was equally impressed with the laptop. Check it out:

Look! It’s Me on TV!

Remember a while back I mentioned I was going to be on television as a caller on The Lab with Leo Laporte? Well, episode 157 aired on Thursday, and I snagged myself a copy of it today. It only airs in Australia and Canada, but they offer torrents of the show after it airs, so I don’t feel bad about … Read more