The Article(s)!

cover160.pngI got my Linux Journal magazine in the mail today, so I guess it’s not too soon to brag a bit. LJ bought (2) of my articles, and they both appear in the August “Cool Projects” edition. The first article appears in the “Up Front” section, on page 16. It’s all about our school’s transition to Linux thin clients. It’s actually a pretty great story if you are a Linux fan, and should be required reading if you’re planning a migration to penguin power for your place of employment/schooling/etc.

The second article, which also happens to be the cover story (Yay!) is on page 38. It’s a how-to article about building your own arcade machine. I’m pretty excited about both articles, and even more excited that it’s the first time I’ve been published!

Thanks Linux Journal, and thanks to Jill Franklin, the Executive Editor, who helped me immensely with the process. Also, thanks to John Scalzi, who blogged about my victory as well.

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