I’m home sick today. Actually, more than sick, I have a really sore left shoulder that won’t quit hurting. I find this bizarre, because I didn’t do anything to hurt my shoulder, and yet, it really does hurt like the dickens. Perhaps it’s sympathy pain for Jim Wright. (If so, I love ya man, but I’m not sure we’re this close. I’d much rather just wish you well…)
Buy Xanax From Europe So my creativity is limited today. Apparently my creativity is stored inside my left shoulder. Who knew. I did post something Linuxy over at Linux Journal today. It’s titled, “Why Are People So Crazy About Linux?” Feel free to click through if you like, it may be all I muster today. Or, I might get bored and post like a mad fool in a few hours. You just never know.
Did you sleep on it wrong? I once had a terrible reading injury, where I lay/leaned on my shoulder wrong. Hurt for days. But at least I got to tell everyone I pulled a muscle reading.
How To Buy Xanax From Canada Michelle, that’s nothing, my hub once put his back out trimming his toenails. (Seriously, but he has an underlying back problem… LOL)
Shawn, I hope you feel better! I understand – I was sick for about two weeks earlier this month, with lots of down time, and I didn’t string two words together creatively and just limped along on my blog. Ha! I win. My grandfather broke his back sneezing. 🙂
I’m thinking it was an amazing sneeze…
I do not have anything as cool as that, but I do get pain in my shoulder and behind my shoulderblade when I am under stress. It’s a recent development, ever since I’ve got enough responsibility to *give* me stress.
My upper back and shoulders (yep, behind the shoulder blade) and neck pretty much hurt all the time until I started going in for monthly massages and chiropractor adjusts. Also I seem to sleep wrong on my left shoulder all the time. It ends up pulled forward, and then ribs get jammed into my spine in the back. It’s what happens if most of your waking life consists of sitting in front of a computer. I’m slowly working on changing that… Alright you guys, I read this and my sciatica started to act up…on the left side. No more talking about pain. Its obviously contagious. I upped my work out this week. I don’t need any extra aches thank you! (hides)
Brand Xanax Online I haz painz 2. Let me show you it! I had a torn rotator cuff once, from skiing. Well, not from skiing, from not skiing well. The doc wanted to give me hard drugs, but I don’t do them. 3 Advil, 3 times a day, did wonders, and that’s a permissable non-perscription dose. Pain, I doesn’t do it!
I need to do the monthly massages for sure. I went to a chiropractor for about 4 months, and had just gotten down to once a week when it flared up again and she wanted me to come in three times a week again. I just couldn’t afford it, even with my insurance covering part of it. Maybe a different (and different kind of) chiropractor would be better. This is an overshare, I’m sure, but I’ve never been able to go get a massage. It just seems ooky to me. I don’t think it is ooky, and I don’t think anyone else should refrain from massages — but I just can’t do it.
Generic Xanax Buy Online I wish I could, because I’m sure it would help me — but it’s just too weird for me to have some stranger rubbin’ on me. See? I told you it was an overshare. 🙂
Not an overshare. I used to feel that way.
Xanax Buy Cheap However, a bout of depression with a side of anxiety out of control made me very willing to try things to regain a normal life. It was totally worth it. Besides, you could start out with chair massage (at least that’s one of the start options at the place where my message therapist works). That’s done through clothes, which might not squick you out as much. My sister is icked out by massages too. I think she’s actually tried them and still felt uncomfortable. So, you may never change your mind, but if you have alternate ways to release tension, then you’re good, right?
Order Xanax Online Cod I’m one who likes massages. My first was after a 50 mile bike ride. Sports massage people were at the finish. The second was a week later after a 100 K bike ride. Then a friend went to massage school, and at the end, the students had to do about 40 hours of massage before they got their license. It was about $20 for an hour massage. Big room, lots of tables. No possible problems. Real massage, good. Fake massage, never. Personal massage, that’s a different story. What started as a face massage eventually ended up in my second marriage. I was the one giving, that time. But that’s all you’ll hear from me. My long-time friends haven’t even heard that story. I don’t actually find massages all that relaxing at the time of the massage. Usually they’re hitting all sorts of knots and sore spots, which tends to make me tense up everywhere that they’re not working on. But then the rest of my life proceeds much more smoothly afterward – better sleep, less aches, etc. 😉
As for ookiness… I probably wouldn’t’ve gone in for the first one had the chiropractor not insisted. But it wasn’t bad. You’re never completely uncovered on the table – in massage school they also learn how to drape the cloth to only uncover whatever part they’re working on. Also you don’t have to undress all the way if you don’t want to. Nowadays I view it as taking the body in for servicing. I’m a big fan of massage showers. Hot and pounding water, that is what works for me.
Cheap Real Xanax Online I’ve always been tempted to try one of those water massager tables, like they have in malls and airports – but just can’t bring myself to shell out good money to lie on a table in front of a mall full of strangers. But they look like they work pretty good.
Sorry about the shoulder, Shawn, you do have my sympathies. Massages are awesome, but only when done right. A good massage should be started with pressure from flat palms instead of fingertips. It can proceed to pressure points after you’ve begun to loosen up. The best massages I ever got were from a woman who tried to Bring me to Christ during each massage.* In spite of her trying to Save Me, I still went to her regularly. That woman had some amazing hands. I’d always fall asleep on the table and wake up completely blissed. Unfortunately, she moved to Arizona and I’ve never had a massage as good since. *No that’s not a double entendre, you filthy filthy people!
Xanax Australia Buy Wow. I’m guessing that Nathan’s massage therapist didn’t work for a group or company. I have a hard time seeing that as meeting company policy.
The massage therapist I recently found is employed by my gym… which is also one of the best physical therapy places in the area.
I thought it would be weird, him being a guy, but it bothers me much less than I expected–though I only get my back and next worked on, so maybe that makes a difference.
“I only get my back and next worked on”
Hmm… back and next, eh? Let’s see, head, neck, shoulders, back, “next”… So I wonder, unfortunate typo, or subliminal hints towards something not meeting company policy as well?
LOL — just teasing. 🙂
ACK! Neck! Neck! Neck!
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