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UPDATE: Apparently I named the graphic the same thing and overwrote the screenshot showing 200-odd unread blog entries. Silly me…
Zolpidem Prescription Online Oh… well, when mine get up that high, I just mark ’em all read and start over. I might browse around and read a few friends’ blogs, but it’s much less hazardous than, for example, marking your entire Outlook email inbox as read. Mine currently sits at 276. I judge you on top of things. I know why I’ve never set up an RSS feed for myself.
When you hit 1000 Google Reader stops counting. That should be your goal. Aim high. Make us proud. Clonazepam Legally Online I don’t do RSS feeds for that reason. Too much pressure!!
I’d be a hypocrite if I did, mine is at 321 right now. I have to use RSS so I can look at your site when I’m at work (where I’m headed about 10 minutes ago, yikes!!)
Ambien Pills Online If you have that many unread maybe you don’t really want to read them as much as you thought.