For some odd reason, the weather in late February decided to go on vacation for a day. Today, we have several inches of fresh snow, and below zero windchills — yesterday it was in the mid 60s. And even though I’m behind at work, it seemed like an opportunity I shouldn’t pass up, and so I took a walk in the local nature preserve at our community college. additional bonus is that I can get a handle on whether or not this will be a good hiking trail for Donna and I to hike once she gets a walking boot. (She is currently in a cast after her THIRD surgery in less than a year) today is miserable, yesterday was a really nice glimpse at what the summer is like in Northern Michigan. Feel free to take a walk with me and see some of the early spring happenings in the woods!
Thanks for the hike in the woods, loved it. Mom
Clonazepam 0.5Mg DosageOrder Clonazepam Online Thank you, Shawn. A very nice way to start my Saturday!