Video Blog: Paperback Swap Dot Com Thanks to Crystal, I recently learned about Paperback Swap. If you can part with your precious books (I struggle with this), you should go sign up. Tell ’em I sent you (, and I think they send me a free pony or something. Oh, and here I talk about it:

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14 thoughts on “Video Blog: Paperback Swap Dot Com”

  1. Like Candy, I’ve swapped a couple hundred dollars worth of books. My actual book count hasn’t gone down (read: I still need a house lined with shelves and an extra garage), but the ones that made me “Eh” and shrug are SEP, and I have a whole new range of favorites that I never want to get rid of. I’m happier to try new genres, too, which wasn’t at ALL the case when every one of my precious pennies was going into book purchases. Glad you like PBS. It’s one of my Happy Places.

  2. I have absolutely no problem with the concept of swapping books, but as some people know (present company especially), I am debilitatingly Post Office Challenged. I just cannot get my ass to put something into an envelope, walk six blocks and stand in line to mail the thing. It’s not like it costs squat to mail a book. I just stop cold in my tracks before getting started. And Shawn. I’m fine with the camera on the dashboard version of driver/blogging. It was the handheld artsy-fartsy camera movement version that I had a problem with.

  3. @Nathan – you can purchase postage from and print it right on the wrapper/label. Then just put it in your mailbox or drop it in a blue box. I run a biz out of my home office, so I have a postage meter permit ( and can print my own. PBS does charge like $.50 to print postage or something like that. Worth it if you don’t wanna deal. OR you can use paypal’s postage –

  4. This is great! I’ve always taken them to a used book store to swap for more, but sadly, I guess it’s not a profitable business, because there aren’t any around me anymore. So I have 2 boxes of books in my closet, plus a bookshelf full. I’ve just been using the library for awhile now. This is great, & as they say, thanks for sharing!


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