Sometimes Great Things Happen Back in 1985, things were Zolpidem Generic Purchase cool. If you disagree, you’re either too old or too young. The 80’s were my heyday, and I’ll always identify with everything from that decade. I was a bit younger than most people who identify with the 80s, but really, that’s the time I identify with my youth. One of the coolest, awe inspiring things that took place in 1985 was “USA For Africa” singing “We Are The World.” 45 pop artists got together, and made a song to raise money for starving folks in Africa. If you were a music fan in the 80s, just watching the video will choke you up a bit. Here were the superstars of the time, getting together and doing something great. And it wasn’t about them, it was about people in need. The song is amazing, but the video is absolutely incredible. There’s a 20 year anniversary DVD with behind the scenes footage. I just discovered it existed, and I’m going to order it from Amazon. Here’s a link if you want to do the same. “We Are The World” is one of those shining points of the 80s that makes me proud to claim that decade as my own. Check out this terribly low quality recording from MTV:

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