Why I Haven’t Written A Book

https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/e0wsuu51sob awesome.pngI have no good excuse. It’s probably the fear of failure. Maybe it’s intimidation on tackling such a huge project. Maybe it’s a combination of several things. The funny thing is, I usually do well when I’m given a deadline. I recently took a magazine article assignment, and had a deadline of a week later. I pretty much met my deadline. (The Devil’s in the details, but it’s not really exciting)

https://olashirt.com/j0cedgbq23 So sure, maybe one day I’ll have a book assignment, and I’ll have to write it. John Scalzi has a deadline this month to finish his current book. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous. Yeah, I could easily “assign” myself a deadline, but really, I’m smart enough that I can’t quite fool myself that way. My recent failure at the NaNoWriMo is just another example. Oh well, I’m not terribly old yet. Hopefully one of these days I’ll get around to doing what I claim I want to do for a living. 🙂 I just need to quit writing blog entries explaining away my lack of novel, and write one!


http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/widijem/ Oh, and that picture on the fake book is freaky. I’m just sayin.

4 thoughts on “Why I Haven’t Written A Book”

  1. https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/vd1wl02v Hmmm… if the nanowrimo deadline isn’t good enough for you, does that mean what you need isn’t just a deadline, but a deadline with dire external consequences? Maybe your wife could confiscate a favorite toy or something if you don’t finish something in time. 😉

    Ambien American Express Also, it’s helpful to not think about the fact that you’re trying to write an entire novel. Think of it in smaller chunks. You’re trying to write a chapter. Or a scene. Then, tomorrow, you’ll try to write another one. If you keep doing that enough days in a row, you’ll soon have enough to make up a whole novel.

    Cheap Ambien Generic And finally, James D. Macdonald’s Butt-In-Chair method might be worth a try (fourth post down).

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