I landed in Pellston, and I’m awaiting my ride home. Pellston is an awesome airport, and has free WiFi. That is not true of either Detroit or Houston airports. They have coffee shops though, so I guess I won’t complain too much.
Purchasing Ambien Online Lots of details about Houston and the flights later. My right ear wouldn’t pop, or depressurize, or whatever it is that ears should do while flying to avoid this horrible lopsided headache I have. I’m sure I’ll heal. (It still feels screwy, and the whole side of my head hurts… Ugh)
http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/jelyjafir/ More later!
Yay! Glad you’re back safe.
http://www.galleriamoitre.com/wrvejowc3 GO enjoy your family, and then get some sleep to make the headache go away.
https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/mmi808ml5l Because we really wanna know where you were and what you were doing. 🙂
I second Michelle. And I’m curious about your Houston trip. Not enough to keep you from family and sleep, but still curious.
https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/47s0qwu3msq Welcome back!
(poke poke)
You forget your medicine or did you just sleep in today?!
Oops — neither actually. I took it, but forgot to update. 🙂
I’m still not quite “all there” yet. Thank you for the reminder though!
Hope your head feels better – and enjoy your sleep! The feeling of sinuses that want to burst is never fun.
I refuse to fly red-eye flights unless there is absolutely no alternative – my body is just not very resilient anymore.