Standard Cellphone Chargers

That’s all I want in the world. Well, not really, but it would add a huge boon to my happiness. My family is late to the “let’s get cellphones” game, but even with our limited exposure, we have had 3 different style cellphones, each one taking a radically different charger. Of the 3, my current Razr is the one that “gets it right” when it comes to power adapter. See?  Standard.  Yummy. See, that’s a standard Mini USB plug. I can charge my phone with the charger, or by connecting it to any Mini USB connector attached to a computer. Why each company (including Motorola, one of the other 3 is a different model Motorola) has to make proprietary power connectors is a mystery to me. I know the claim is to sell more power cords, but with 3rd party chargers, where is the advantage for the OEM?

Buying Xanax Online Cheap Cellphone companies: Standardize. And do so with Mini USB. Thank you. That is all.

11 thoughts on “Standard Cellphone Chargers”

  1. Yeah, I bought all the accessories for one phone brand, and now that I have all of them, I’m stuck with that brand because I don’t want to start over having to buy new ones for another.

  2. Michelle – I have a USB charger for the car that charges my phone, my Blackberry, and my GPS – all of which have USB charge ports. It’s great.

    However, Motorolla’s USB chagers are finicky. I can use the Motorolla wall charger to charge the BB, but the phone says “unauthorized charger” when I use the BB wall unit for the RAZR. WTF?

    Same thing when I use the BB USB from the computer to the RAZR. Not only that, Motorolla saw fit not to put a 3mm jack on the RAZR, forcing non-bluetooth headset users to buy a big old goofy-looking dongle that plugs in the USB port, making it impossible to charge and talk hands free without bluetooth. (I have a back-up non-bluetooth headset for when the power runs down on my Jawbone.) Makes me want to hurt a Motorolla Engineer or two, yes it does.

  3. Sorry to intrude. MiniUSB is history now. I have a friend, who is an engineer in Motorola here is greater Chicago, and i have asked him to get me a MiniUSB to stereo converter(my new RIZR upgrade from RAZR comes with a music player). He said he couldn’t find one, since Motorola already went to the MicroUSB (a flatter and wider version of the port).

    Good luck with the phones. 🙂

  4. While we’re making random technological requests of the universe can I also ask for standardized digital camera batteries and chargers? Trying to find a disposable CRV-3 battery for my Kodak Z612 near Yellowstone was an adventure, since I’d forgotten my charger.

    And if I were to get really impudent, I’d ask for standardized memory card format too – let’s pick one, SD and SDHC by preference. 😉


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