I got loot from Nathan! Yay!
Ambien Paypal I have no photos, because I’m at work. Again. Still. So in lieu of actual loot photos, here’s a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head. You’re welcome.

Buying Ambien Online Safe Do you sometimes look at Internet pictures and wonder “why”? And “isn’t this person gainfully employed”? Hopefully taking bunny-pancake pictures isn’t a personal hobby for you. 😉
not at all. 🙂 I scavenged it from google
Buy Zolpidem Sleeping Pills It always makes me laugh.
Yay Oolong. 🙂 I first encountered the picture during Nanowrimo 2004, where someone was using it as their avatar picture.
Actually, that may be the perfect response to
what Eric wrote about today on his blog… Hope you enjoy the books Shawn. That picture is just classic. I loved it when it was new and I love it now. Bunny with a pancake on it’s head always makes me laugh
not as good as – almost