19 thoughts on “Truck Cam: Blogger Rant, Lipstick Question”

  1. I like blogger, but yeah, the sending you own comment thing is lame. AS for lipstick. I dunno. I’m not much of a girly girl and wear lipstick like twice a year. LOL. Ummm… I think the whole pouty lips thing is weird anyway.

  2. Order Zolpidem Tartrate Plumping lipstick will, ta-da!, plump your lips. It tingles, yes, and they swell a bit. The ones I use contain clove oil, and I end up craving a holiday ham half the time when I am wearing them.

    Buy Klonopin 1Mg If you want bigger-looking lips and don’t want to mess with plumping stuff, do a web search on lipstick techniques using lip-liner. You can reshape your lips with liner, then use regular lipstick for a fill color, and get much the same look for on-camera purposes.

    I can’t believe I know all this AND am publicly advising you on your makeup, Shawn.

  3. Hi!, congratulations on the six-month anniversary! :).

    Which camera do you use to record these videos?

    How do you stand the camera in your truck?


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