Holodeck or Replicator?

Yes, a Star Trek question. But really, which would you rather have? With a replicator, you could create anything the size of a bread basket or smaller, as long as it wasn’t terribly complicated. With the holodeck, you could live a virtual world as real as life and have it go any way you desire.

I realize with the replicator you could replicate bars of gold or diamonds and *buy* pretty much anything… but which would you pick?

21 thoughts on “Holodeck or Replicator?”

  1. Replicator. Replicator, replicator, replicator. Hungry for steak, but too busy hacking to take the time to cook? Replicator. Building some weird circuit from scratch and need more resistors? Replicator. Watching Star Trek TOS late one night and suddenly find yourself suddenly craving scotch? Replicator. Need money for your new Kindle so you can hack it to bits? Replicator!

  2. Xanax Paypal The holodeck HAD replicators in it. How do you think Picard made “bullets” when he shot the borg in First Contact, the movie? On top of that, Riker was able to rez up that jazz music fan Minuet… Geordi rezzed up an image of Leah Brahms. Holodeck, without question.

  3. https://merangue.com/tkx7c74 While a holodeck would be fun, its fun contained within a room. You can’t take anything out of it. Not to beat a dead horse here, but with a replicator you can make ANYTHING. I bet with a little work, you could make all the parts for a holodeck ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Xanax Buy Cheap I always thought the holodeck was a rather lame plot device. Can’t think up any interesting new worlds or weird alien cultures? No problem, just write another holodeck script.

    Replicator all the way. Just think: no need to download that big iso file, just replicate a copy of the latest Ubuntu live CD!

  5. I must admit, everyone has forced me to put more thought into this than I really ever intended to. I still think I’m in for the holodeck though. If memory serves, replicators can only create simple things. I think a “holodeck kit” would be right out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. https://foster2forever.com/2024/08/nwhgrcyq2.html Replicator. Much as I might enjoy a Sunday in the Holodeck with Data (sans Worf), a replicator is so much more useful. Also, I think the replicator could replicate more complicated things, provided the computer was given the proper patterns. It’s just not advanced enough to replicate living creatures. At least not the Starfleet replicators.

    Purchase Alprazolam Cheap A transporter would also be pretty nifty, but I’d probably get all McCoy about them. I saw what happened to poor Sonak in https://polyploid.net/blog/?p=9zio097 Star Trek: The Motion Picture. No thank you.


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