Why Would A Person Go To Ohio On Purpose?

https://olashirt.com/m3u3hl27j Maybe you like corn.


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Or John Scalzi

Or Buckeyes.


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https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/ro7o85ug2 Or John Scalzi’s Cat

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/3vyh7err Or maybe it’s just on your way to somewhere.


Whatever your reason, I’ll tell you why I’M going to Ohio:


No, it's not like I'm normally silent at these things -- but this time, they're MAKING PEOPLE LISTEN.  MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA


And in the words of Levar Burton, don’t take my word for it — come see for yourself!!! It’s free, it’s nerdy, and it’s so cool even me being a keynote speaker can’t ruin it. See you there? 🙂


7 thoughts on “Why Would A Person Go To Ohio On Purpose?”

  1. It would be great to meet you and all the other fine Linux folks, but it is a bit far for me right now. Besides, I am on call for jury duty at Federal District Court for the entire month, so guess I’d better stick close to home. If I WERE going to be there, I would stop in and visit the Thruber House in Columbus, that’s for sure!

    https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/7wkax9c Have a good trip and post lots of pix.

    https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/vmvu30y4 Reply

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