Internet Sin Ingles

I have many legitimate friends whom I’ve never met in person. Some of my very best friends are a group of folks who met online and have remained close for well over a decade. There was a time when that was considered a naive misunderstanding of friendship, but I’m happy to say it’s slowly becoming more and more common. (This … Read more

Star Trek Me This A while back I posted a poll on Twitter about which Star Trek technology would be the most significant. Usually when I bring the topic up in conversation, people jokingly say the Holodeck, and then say, “But seriously, warp drive is the most significant tech.” I generally argue that the replicator is the most overlooked tech in Star Trek, because … Read more

This Blog Might Get Weird

I’m doing all sorts of content creation these days. I’m doing videos, comics, newsletters, reviews (I’m figuring that bit out still… but I wanna keep doing it), podcasts, other podcasts, and I’m still doing silly tweets and cat photos, etc, etc, etc. I want to be a full time content creator someday soon, and so I’m just doing STUFF. But … Read more

Linux is Just a Tool

There’s really only one job description: Problem Solver. Sometimes that problem is, “I need to host a website that can scale as demand expands and contracts.” Sometimes the problem is, “People want good coffee but aren’t interested in making it themselves at home.” It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the tools we use to solve problems, we can … Read more

From Professional to Square One

I created professional video content for about 12 years. That doesn’t mean I’m any good at it, but it does mean I’m comfortable with it. This year, 2022, I’ve decided to get back into making video, but with a twist: I’m doing it on YouTube. Certainly over a decade producing hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours of video would mean I’d … Read more

On the Occasion of Turning 46

As far a memorable numbers go, 46 is pretty low on the list. I cant’ really explain why it seems so ordinary, but it truly feels like one of the blandest numbers in the gamut of years old to be. This past year has been anything but bland, however. I managed to not catch Covid. I started a web comic. … Read more

Silent Days are the Worst

Social media tends to be a glimpse into the highlights of a person’s life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the same person I am online that I am in person, but some things don’t get posted not out of shame, but out of inability. I try to make it clear that mental health is a real issue, and that I’m … Read more

25 (some)things.

I hate resolutions. I hate when people say they hate resolutions. But, here I am, hating resolutions. I also hate that I gained over 40lbs during 2020. All this hatred has to be redirected… I didn’t start a resolution on the 1st, because if I miss one day, my OCD punishes me fiercely. So I often start a few days … Read more