Ah, bitter irony

Xanax Prices Online I’m that guy that notices grammar problems. You know, the little ones that really don’t mean a whole lot in the big picture. Yeah, I’m annoying.


Real Xanax Bars Online The ironic part is that I submitted the final draft of the article I’m writing for Linux Journal. I had a professional review it for me. I edited it myself. I read it out loud to my poor wife (who graciously listened). Tragically, somewhere between copy and paste, (3) grammatical errors slipped in!!! And I already submitted the final draft!!!

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Oh cruel fate, how you mock me…


5 thoughts on “Ah, bitter irony”

  1. Dont let it bug you. Your article was really good I am pretty sure that they will over look those little grammer mistakes. But I do know how it feels to make a mistake at something that you are crazy about. Well good luck I hope that you get your article published you really deserve it!!!
