Buy Liquid Ambien Donna and I have been married for almost 12 years. (Crowds cheer, the banners fly, yay for young marriages that work!) In all that time, we really never had a “song” that was ours. You know, the “song” that when it plays, you can say, “That’s our song.” We’ve never had one. Until a few months ago that is. Don’t get me wrong, there are songs that are meaningful to us. Sara Evan’s “No Place That Far” was a contender for a while. Also, the Proclaimers’ “500 Miles” song. Perhaps the Proclaimers song was more Ambien Online Cheap my idea of our song, I’m not sure Donna ever liked it. We actually danced to “Unchained Melody” at our wedding. I know, I know, soooo cheesy and cliche — but hey why pretend we had a song when we didn’t?!?! Then a few months ago, we discovered Norah Jones. She is made of pure awesomeness. With little more than nodding agreement, Klonopin Purchase her song, “Come Away With Me” became our song. Here’s the video. It was worth the 11 year wait. 🙂
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My wife & I count the Proclaimer’s 500 mile song as ours, but you’re right Norah Jones is the awesome! 🙂