
I recently wrote an article about the Quake III gaming engine being released open source, and the games that have developed from it. It’s here, but unless you’re a Linux Journal subscriber, you can’t read it yet. (Feel free to subscribe, by the way ,it’s a great magazine, and they have a pleasant habit of giving me money…)

Anyway, today, we had an after school gaming program. Thankfully, I just happen to have some recent experience on some free multiplayer games. 🙂 Yep, there was a lab full of kids playing open source games, and loving it. No, they weren’t using Linux — but hey, baby steps. At least all the students are familiar with Linux!

Clonazepam 2Mg For Sale It went great, and it’s tied into tutoring of At-Risk kids, so it’s a win-win situation. Well, I didn’t win much, but the kids do. 🙂

Ambien Sleeping Pill Buy UPDATE: Huh, 3 links to Linux Journal in one post. I’m feeling a bit like a fan boy. Here: Have a couple other links not related to Linux. (BTW, that Garfield comic is one of my favorites!)

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