Public Service Announcement For future reference:

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photo-99.jpg These types of cups are not designed for mug warmers. Also, fingernail polish remover does remove melted Styrofoam. You’re welcome.

8 thoughts on “Public Service Announcement”

  1. I hope you let the mug warmer cool before you used the nail polish remover. Acetone (the stuff in nail polish remover) is flammable. Don’t ask my why, but I know this for a fact….

  2. What happens if you fill the Styrofoam cup with nail-polish remover first and then put it on the mug warmer?

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    This reminds me of a story: A good friend of mine went into the FBI, counter narcotics, after we retired from the Navy. One night he called me from a stake-out. They were conducting surveillance across the street from a suspected ‘lab.’ Usually this is major boring work, weeks of sitting in a van, watching the house all night, so he’d call me and I’d help him stay awake. One night he was talking when there was this enormous Womp! in the background – “Uh Oh! Gotta go,” says my buddy. A day later he calls back to tell me what happened. Seems the geniuses running the lab were boiling cocaine HCL on the stovetop in order to reduce it to rock/crack cocaine. Boiling it in gasoline. On an open flame gas stove. Which explained the Womp!.

    Ambien Online Overnight Shipping To hear him tell it – it took a lot more than nail-polish remover to get the stains off the walls.

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  3. I’m guessing the, “pre-Womp” fumes didn’t help much with their cognitive abilities. I get light headed pumping gas sometimes…

    Yes, it took great effort not to make a gas and fume joke relating to the digestive system, especially with all the soup and chowder talk of late. Oh, too late.


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