Valentine’s Gift?

Order Ambien Online Canada images.jpegSo, if you have a significant other, what are you getting him/her/they/them for Valentine’s day? DISCLAIMER: If your significant other actually reads my blog, well, that’s pretty cool, but you don’t have to comment on the gift unless it’s already a done deal. As mine is. Since Amazon will be delivering the gift tomorrow while I’m at work, Donna already knows what she’s getting. See, the gift requires some explanation… This Valentine’s Day, I ordered Donna (5) hot water bottles. That might seem odd, because, well, it is. Donna has wanted a hot water bottle all winter, and we’ve never seen one in a store. That part of the gift was very sweet, and yes, she was very touched by my remembering. The extra 4 bottles, however, needed the explanation. The simple answer? So she doesn’t have to share HERS!!!

(The expectation is that Mommy’s cool new hot water bottle will be very popular, and Mommy will be guilted into sharing. This way, everyone can use one, and Mommy still gets it all to herself.)

Nothing like breeding greed for the holidays!

16 thoughts on “Valentine’s Gift?”

  1. Nathan:
    It’s funny, I almost bought fancy soaps from your GF for my wifey-poo, but then realized that I’d be purchasing something that might suggest she smelled bad. Not only isn’t that the case, but I certainly didn’t want to be the husband that could be accused of suggesting it. Even (5) soaps wouldn’t get me out of that bind.

    (also, while Donna wouldn’t really think I was insinuating she smelled bad, she would tease me about it incessantly. We truly were made for each other!)

  2. I’m hoping to give my husband a returning Jeopardy! champion for Valentine’s day. However, I didn’t get to play today, so I’ll be playing tomorrow. And then I can’t tell you guys what happened until the air date. But, that’s what I’m hoping to do for John for the evil of Valentine’s day.

  3. Valentines Day is for losers. Okay, Buy Klonopin Without Prescription lucky losers. Trying not to sound overly emo, but yesterday, I saw an older couple in their 60’s walking arm around shoulder to their car at the supermarket.

    Suddenly, I had wished that I could celebrate the holiday that when I had someone, I shunned. Oh well.

    I’m going to go grump in the corner. 🙂

    (and good luck Tania!)


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