Ok, this one isn’t really silly so much as stupid. And it just happened.
Last night, we went to the grocery store. It was late, and we didn’t get all the bags empty. We made sure all the frozen stuff was put away, and all the cold stuff went to the fridge. Noodles, etc — still on the table.
Zolpidem Cheaphttps://www.polefinistere.com/dpf1mdf7b As we were putting them away today, we found a “Smart One” frozen dinner that was poorly bagged. It was in with non-perishables, and so thawed out. Being the thrifty (read: Cheap) man that I am, I figured I should quickly cook and eat it, so the food wasn’t wasted. Yes yes, I know, that’s horribly gross. But really, it was early in the day, and we went shopping late last night.
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Online Ambien OvernightAnd my Smart One wasn’t supposed to taste quite so tangy. Yes, I’m feeling a bit sick. I’m thinking it will be funnier after the vomit that I suspect is coming shortly…
http://www.galleriamoitre.com/4ckv8ma3le Oh, Shawn. First the icky McDonald’s, now this.
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https://electroseleccio.cat/ap38ilw49 Really.
Buy Herbal Ambien Ok, seriously… when frugality leads to vomiting I think you may need a support group 🙂 Is there one? Maybe you could start it 🙂
https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/pdewkkvz01 lol @ Janiece.
Buy Ambien Cr Online me too… count me in for five bucks. I think I may sympathy vomit for you.
http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/zikutow/ It’s pretty ironic that the dinner thing was called “Smart One”.
https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/0aeasm0pm2 I’ll dig through the couch. I’m sure there’s at least 38¢ in there.
Zolpidem Tartrate Buy Online Uk Shawn,
I just wanted to say YAY for taking out medicine every day this week.
https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/96yui40f I’ve been paying attention–so don’t think you can start slacking!
hee hee! Kari cracked me up.
https://sapooni.com/ks560cl On a more serious note, I hope you’re doing OK, Shawn!
To the day I’m amazed what boys will eat (ahem, Richard — ahem, Shawn).
Zolpidem Online Overnight Delivery Well, I don’t think I’d eat Soylent Green or anything, but yeah, I’m pretty easy to please in the palate.
https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/4g752u9ad7z It’s pretty ironic that the dinner thing was called “Smart One”.
Buy Ambien Canada Well, it was smarter than the guy who ate it…
https://www.polefinistere.com/j4wzzmniy3z For the record, Kari is one of the teens from my youth group, and I’m https://www.beecavebee.com/f9of6w48k very impressed with her snark.
Well played, Kari. 😉
Well, thanks Shawn. I learned from the best! 🙂