I Heart Skype

I got to talk to the family this morning with Skype’s video chat. Video really does make it more personal. And Skype works http://www.claritydentalclinic.co.uk/clarity/lihozyj/ so darn well that the process is painless.

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4 thoughts on “I Heart Skype”

  1. https://sapooni.com/hevrqpjbv Hmmm… I’ve never tried Skype for video. I *hate* seeing myself on video anyway, I have to VTC at work occasionally for professional reasons.

    My mom is looking to set it up though (which means she wants me to set it up for her and support it) so I should check out Skype.

  2. Clonazepam For Sleep Well, Skype has incredible video quality, and it’s cross platform (which is a big deal for us, we have several operating systems in the mix).

    Apart from that, I don’t think there would be any significant difference. Except that Skype is a cool name. 🙂


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