I Hate Digg

I really don’t have a good reason to hate Digg, but it’s just frustrating that it’s guided by the general public. Because honestly, I think the general public is dumb. Not individuals (I think you personally are shiny), but rather as a whole.

I can write some well thought out, interesting stuff — and get minimal diggs. I can write “off the cuff” nonsense, and get quite a few. Of course, never enough to get the highly sought after https://www.beecavebee.com/p2btkpui2 popular fanfare — but still, noticeably more.

For some reason, I’ve gotten my brain wrapped around an axle this week, and done my best to get “dugg” to the point of popularity. It never happened, and it was frustrating to boot. So, I figured I’d just go back to writing stuff for the sake of expressing my thoughts. I think I like it better that way.

So, how are you? 🙂

13 thoughts on “I Hate Digg”

  1. Cheap Zolpidem It’s not the quantity of people who think you’re cool. It’s the quality of the ones who do. You’re on the quality boat, cruising around. Them other masses of peoples is just watching from the shore!

  2. Didn’t you guys get the memo? Shawn bribes me to drive content on his site. How else could I afford to drive a 1994 Dodge Shawdow?


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