Whenever Tux gets a bath, he rubs his face on the carpet. The video really doesn’t do it justice, but it’s hilarious to watch. 🙂
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Buy Klonopin Discreet Shipping I particularly liked all the skinny ankles and small feet he was managing to ignore in his quest to get that nasty *clean* smell off his face. *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* doggie… mean humans.
Cheap Zolpidem Online That dog is going to get a rug burn. One of the cats is siting in my lap watching the video, from his expression I’m pretty sure he thinks Tux is insane. How long does that go on? It goes on for a long, long time. 🙂 At least 2-3 times as long as the video. Usually, he sorta “digs” into the carpet as well, to dry off the fur between his toes. The face thing is the best though. 🙂 funny Shawn! little guy is going to burn his face on the carpet.
Ambien Online Next Day Delivery Watching this, makes me remember how much i miss having a dog.
Clonazepam 0.5Mg DosageTux is a funny little dog.
Ambien Online Uk I have to lock my dog in his kennel after a bath. He goes straight for the bed and does what Tux does but under my blankets.
What a weird little dog. I expected to see a little loop on a string reeling in as he spun around the room.