Great video! I am currently in a linux distro dilemma…which one to pick!! I’ve burnt about 5 live cd’s and tried them out, and I’m still unsure. I think Mepis looks good, but so does Linux Mint…I think the minty freshness is going to win 🙂 My friend Chirk says I’m supposed to tell you that REAL GEEKS use OpenBSD. He said you’d agree, if you’re a real geek. *grin* Great video! I am currently in a linux distro dilemma…which one to pick!! I’ve burnt about 5 live cd’s and tried them out, and I’m still unsure. I think Mepis looks good, but so does Linux Mint…I think the minty freshness is going to win 🙂
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hee! My friend Chirk says I’m supposed to tell you that REAL GEEKS use OpenBSD. He said you’d agree, if you’re a real geek. *grin* He’s going to let me use his CD for 4.3 to do an install and try it out.