So Whatdoyathink of the New Digs? The header graphic is by Kate Baker, and it is teh hawsome. The theme is my standby, dkret3, which I love, especially for it’s ability to arrange the widgets on the side like it does.

Order Ambien Online Uk I like it, and I think I’ll stick with it for a while. There may be some minor adjustments, but I think it rocks. How ’bout you?

14 thoughts on “So Whatdoyathink of the New Digs?”

  1. I’m not sold on the arrangement, but I like the way this theme handles the two columns on the right more than my last theme. I think it looks more “clean”.

    I really like that I can have my “medicine” widget span both columns…

  2. I approve of Tux’s presence on your mind, so to speak, in the header. But I also agree with Janiece that the columns are, I dunno, sort of cramped. But overall it’s a really nice look. Kudos.

  3. I, too, love the header. Well done, Kate! I have a texty two-column right side, so it works for me – but I can understand how some folks might find it busy, too.

    Nice re-do! I’m working on one too. 😛

  4. Love the new digs Shawn…I brought you a housewarming present…
    (hands Shawn a 6 of Guinness.)

    I think the wordy-ness of the side is just something that takes getting used to. (nice job on the header Kate!)

  5. I love the new header. I agree with Rainbows — it’s much brighter and more cheerful and more in keeping with the tone of the blog (despite your occasional rants 😉


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