I’m off to LinuxWorld this morning. Admittedly, usually I consider 3AM as part of the previous night, but the airport is 2 hours away, and my plane leaves early anyway. Ugh.
Buy Clonazepam Cheap Without Prescription I’m not really complaining. I hear San Francisco is beautiful this time of year, and I’m looking forward to hanging out with the whole Linux Journal crew. It’s just that I’m not a morning person.
https://www.polefinistere.com/4d4q08yos Oh, and I’m positive I forgot something. Really, it’s an aching, horrible feeling. I’ve checked to make sure I’m wearing pants several times already this morning.
https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/nusc6s5a6wj I *feel* the pain on your face.
https://calif-ilc.org/5v7h7kmd I hate mornings (isn’t that Garfield’s line?).
Yeah, that’s Garfield’s line. And he hate’s Monday’s too. So, double whammy.
Have a good trip!
Oooh! Is The Stinking Rose (garlic restaurant) still in business in SF? It was excellent when I was there. (But that’s a fair bunch of years ago.)
You’re wearing pants – but did you remember to zip them up?
https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/4dvbtuw59n Hope your morning is getting better, enjoy San Fan! When will you be back home? We might visit that way soon.
https://juristas-ruidos.org/o256olxthb Just landed (late) in the Twin Cities, and my next plane is boarding 20 minutes late. Judging by the people here, we may be lapsitting to SF. :
https://electroseleccio.cat/x7a9gsz85 Coming back to Michigan late Friday night, but going straight to Ohio, then back on Sunday night for work Monday morning.
https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/84lt5161 That sounds horribly “not fun” to me… 🙂
Klonopin Buy I just remembered after leaving my last comment, that you were so tired this morning double checking for pants to be on. This weekend I was so tired getting ready for work, I did forget to put on deodorant!! Lucky for me I work in a nursing home, where they supply deodorant so I just squirted some on.
We are coming north the week of the 11th. Bills brother leaves soon for Wayne State and wants to golf some with him before he leaves. Any chance we can all get together at moms again?
With me it’s pajamas. I forget pajamas. So I end up sleeping in my dirty clothes. Ewww.
https://regenamex.com/ei33v53 You’ve been traveling a lot this summer. Have you enjoyed it, overall? Other than the mornings?
After all of this will the next gadget guy video be a 5 minute clip of you sleeping?
I forget underwear. I have underwear purchases from all over the North American continent.
As long as you remembered to take the pills with you…