It appears that I have surpassed the Pheasant Hunting Guide, the lady Chiropractor, and the USC dude to attain the first place spot on Google when searching for shawn powers (Don’t even need the quotes! Hooray!) for yourself. I have to go find a bigger hat now… 😉
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You certainly are moving up in the world! Oh, and hope you’re feeling better.
Discount Ambien Online That’s because you’re a hot blogger. Speaking of which, I need to stop by there and see how you’re doing in the vote. (Searching my name doesn’t get to my blog until the second page.)
Buy Ambien Cr Online Canada LOL, congrats! See, Digg is useful for some things 😀
Generic Ambien Online I remember how happy I was when I passed some guy from Nielsen Heh. I have 2 pseudonyms that rank in the top 5, but my real name is nowhere to be seen. I’m still unsure how I feel about that. I googled my name (not MOM of course) and the name appears a lot but none of them are me. Well, I didn’t check all of them but there sure are a lot of people out there with the same name. It is cool that yours is FIRST and it’s really you. Congratulations again. googled MOM and clip art came up, not all flattering eithor. hey – I know the number one Erica on Google. You are just like her, you’re right!
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