Linux Journal: Live Show from the Road! I’m out of town this week, but Linux Journal Live is still going to be great! But don’t take my word for it, you can listen to this crazy guy in his truck:

7 thoughts on “Linux Journal: Live Show from the Road!”

  1. Did you come up with the idea for the show after i told you to do a bit on single use distros? Linux in my home… DD-WRT on my router, use to be M0nowall (BSD based), but it used too much power running a computer 24/7 for routing. Linux on my laptop (ubuntu). Use to run XMBC, but no longer have an xbox. Fiance’s laptop is OSX and I use the terminal a lot. I use to have lots of linux running in the house, but it was owned by the guy I use to live with, if I didn’t have to pay for power, i would have A LOT more stuff running in my house 🙂

  2. I love “The Bird.”

    Just noticed something: did you scratch off your Apple sticker and replace it with an Ubuntu one? Or is this old news and I’m just now waking up? I had to watch the video twice because it distracted me, the not remembering.

    I’m a little bit pre-coffee yet. Canyatell?


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