14 thoughts on “Snow! I Haz It!”

  1. https://calif-ilc.org/1z9qikm0n We had snow last week. It’s all gone now though. Things are looking pretty good for you for today and tonight. 100%! WOOT! How much are you supposed to get? We ended up with an inch or so and then the next morning, traffic was brutal. I don’t get it. It snows here every year. We’re in CANADA FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! It’s gonna snow, that’s a given. Yet every year, until about the 4th storm, people freak. And forget how to drive. I’m taking the bus.

  2. https://electroseleccio.cat/bcqtngpi0x The super smart people of my county decided to cut back on snow plowing and salting this year.

    So far they are doing more harm than good. They salt once a day and the snow melts then freezes into black ice.

    Someone is going to get killed before they admit that public safety is more important than budget numbers.


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