Soft Cookies

Zolpidem 10Mg To Buy This is the yummiest, spiciest, tastiest ginger snap cookie you'll ever see, much less eat.  It is currently residing in my small intestine.Apparently I’m on a “which do you like better” kick. I am a BIG fan of soft cookies. In fact, I mean BIG in a literal sense because eating cookies has that effect on me. I never knew anyone that preferred hard cookies until the other day I was approached with the idea that soft cookies don’t maintain their structural integrity while being dunked.

Clonazepam Price You know, that’s actually a good point.

I always considered cookie-dunking a workaround designed to facilitate the consumption of hard cookies. I never really thought of it as a preferred method. Don’t get me wrong, I like to dunk cookies, but I always do it because they’re hard in order to soften them up. Have I been to quick to judge the crumbly ones? Are the crumbs all over the table worth it for the joy of drowning them in a beverage of choice? Does anyone actually prefer hard cookies?!!?

9 thoughts on “Soft Cookies”

  1. I like crunchy things, so the hard, crunchy cookies are my preference. I don’t dunk often, but only because I don’t like crumbs in my drinks, though the flavor of a crunchy cookie dunked in coffee is very yummy. Soft cookies are okay if I’m having a cookie craving and nothing else is available. But they will never be my first choice.


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