Just Call Me Chronic

Today is a brand new day. Well, ok, it’s not really brand new, it’s been around for a while as it’s after 2PM. Still, it’s the newest day we have. For me, that means moving past the last 3 months of horrible pain.


Mid June, I was a typical guy, and didn’t wait for any help when it came to loading our moving truck. I was the first to arrive at our rental, and so loaded the entire trailer by myself. Including furniture. This was stupid, and so the following week when I started having really bad pain in my, um, well, down there, I was fairly certain I’d given myself a hernia. Because apparently I’m not a spring chicken anymore.


https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/aghbar8q The short version of the following 3 months is that I saw a doctor, a surgeon, a specialist, and basically no one knows what’s wrong with me. Two of the doctors insist I don’t have a hernia. One thinks I do. None of them can explain why I feel like I just got kicked between the legs by a mule pretty much all day, every day. If you’ve never been kicked between the legs by a mule, let me assure you, it’s something you’d like to move past rather quickly. Three months is not quickly.

https://www.psicologialaboral.net/2024/08/07/udi9fbw9n So the specialist I saw yesterday told me to just wait and see. He thinks I’ll eventually heal, but doesn’t find anything he can treat. This is a good thing, because it means he didn’t find any cancer, tumors, baby aliens gestating in my groin, or other medically fixable stuff. The bad thing is that he can’t find anything to fix. Double edged sword. BUT, he told me I have no restrictions, and that I should just get on with my life. One doctor talked about pain management drugs, but I don’t want to be that guy if I can avoid it. So, brand new day. As of today, life should be treated as normal. If a decade and a half of migraines have done nothing else, it’s given me a fairly decent pain tolerance, so I’m just going to deal.

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https://solomedicalsupply.com/2024/08/07/kudui92yl9r So if you ask how I’m doing? I’m fine. No, it doesn’t mean I’m healed, but it means I’m tired of being out of commission. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go for a walk. It’s been 3 months, and I’m overdue. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Just Call Me Chronic”

  1. https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/zq6vx9m170 I can say, with certainty, that pain management drugs do an awesome job of (temporarily) medicating away depression and social anxiety. So, if you’re interested in self-medicating and chasing the dragon, I highly recommend them.

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    If, however, your life is full enough without constantly worrying that you’re becoming addicted or having to ask yourself on a continual basis, “Am I actually in physical pain or do I just not want to be in this meeting,” you should run from pain meds like a man of fire from a burning building.
