A Conversation With My Wife

Me and my sweetyWhile driving, my audiobook is interrupted by a phone call from my wife. (All hands free, for those concerned)

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Donna: @harborlight3

Me: What? That’s a horrible username…

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Me: But… It’s horrible! Make it something like @HLCS or if that’s take @HLCS_Swordsmen

Donna: Oh that’s much better, and it’s not taken, cool!

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Me: Still, doesn’t it cause you pain to say a password OUT LOUD?

https://inteligencialimite.org/2024/08/07/6h6fxs92j Donna: Um, no…

Me: Wait… Wait… Did you say it out loud while you were WRITING IT ON PAPER?

Donna: Of course! I have to write it down so I can read it when I need to log in!

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