Quick revision

https://www.psicologialaboral.net/2024/08/07/dix90zok OK, I’ve already changed my mind on the “every article in MP3 thing.” Mainly because I’ve avoided posting because I’m not in a place I can record myself, and also because some things are too lame to have an audio version. “I think I should mow my lawn today” Has no place in a podcast, unless that podcast is a … Read more

Comics in the Header!!!

I had a big ol’ bunch of white space in my header graphic — and I thought it would be cool to have some comics in there. I created a comic with the “Comic Strip Generator“, and Photoshopped it into the graphic. It gave me great joy. Then I thought it’d be pretty fun to have another comic. The problem … Read more

I’ve Been “Tagged”

I don’t normally like chain emails and such — but Lynda Walldez listed me as a blog she “tagged” to participate in “8 random things.” I like the idea of 8 random facts, so I’ll bite. 🙂 8 Random Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me My favorite color T-Shirt is orange. I listen to The Carpenters when I’m depressed. … Read more

The Article(s)!

I got my Linux Journal magazine in the mail today, so I guess it’s not too soon to brag a bit. LJ bought (2) of my articles, and they both appear in the August “Cool Projects” edition. The first article appears in the “Up Front” section, on page 16. It’s all about our school’s transition to Linux thin clients. It’s … Read more

So I Almost Killed a Guy

I live in a small town. When I’m driving down the road, I wave to just about everyone I pass, because chances are I know them. I also tend to wave to everyone anyway, but here in town — I’m less likely to offend someone if I wave at everyone. Today, however, I almost killed an elderly man on a … Read more

Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day to all my ‘merican readers, and Happy Wednesday to everyone else. After walking in the parade this morning, Donna and I decided to go to Burger King for lunch, and let the kids play in the playland. That’s us, enjoying the air conditioning. Later we have a barbecue and then giant colorful explosions in the sky. It … Read more

Fred Saberhagen

I’m currently reading the first book in Fred Saberhagen’s Berserker series — and oddly enough, he died a couple days ago, no matter what Wikipedia editors might think. That got me to wondering, is it possible some of the best Science Fiction writing is being written now? I know the greats are the greats, but it would seem an author … Read more