You Get Nothing

It’s 10PM on Saturday. I’m at work. Working.

Can I Get Ambien Online I have nothing to entertain you. Not even a crafty quip. I’ll leave you with a picture of my current naughtiness, however. Don’t tell anyone, because I’m supposed to be on a diet.


That’s right, Dots. And not just Dots, but Tropical Dots. Yum.

36 thoughts on “You Get Nothing”

  1. Y’know, I’m not really an Anne Rice fan. I’m not a Tom Cruise fan. And the two together, not the magic of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. Completely stupid casting of Tom Cruise as Lestat.

  2. Well, let’s see.

    Right now I’m on my Windows XP machine in the basement. It came to me when my husband’s company closed their local office (2005), and as their acting IT guy, he got to take extra computers home. It’s a (checks) it’s an Acer. With a KDS 19″ monitor. And we upgraded the video card and added a CDR/DVD player, so we can watch movies in the basement that my grandmother wouldn’t much like.

    Clonazepam Withdrawal Help My husband’s desktop is… umm… (looks closer) it’s black. It’s got all the best pieces of all the different computers we had floating around. At one point it was dual boot Linux/Windows XP, but I’m not sure what’s it’s running now, since I never get on his computer. He also has a KDS 19″ monitor (this also came free from his previous company) My husband’s laptop is a five year old Toshiba. It’s heavy, and I hate it’s keyboard, and that’s all I know about it from here. It’s running Windows XP. My laptop is a new Sony Vaio CR203E. We got it at a clearance sale at Best Buy after Christmas. It’s the first new computer I’ve ever had. It’s running Vista, which I really dislike, but it’s all but impossible for find a new laptop running XP, and I really didn’t want to wipe the hard drive and find all the drivers. So it sucks, but for word processing, and internet surfing, it’s not bad at all. My work desktop computer is a Dell running Windows XP. My favorite work laptop is an IBM T41 running Windows XP. I love everything about that computer, from it’s weight, it’s look, to the layout of the keyboard. But it’s getting long in the tooth. My other work laptop is an IBM/Lenovo Z60. I upgraded it to Vista, because I had to have a computer running Vista since I have to support it. Since I don’t like the z60 very much, it got Vista. This makes me like the Z60 even less. I hate the wide screen, I don’t much like the layout of the network cables or USB slots or anything. Bah.

  3. I’ve never been a major blues fan, but I did love the U2/Bebe King version of “When Love Comes To Town”. Bebe left Bono in the dust on that one.

  4. Not sure what a pink herring is (haven’t got to the beginning of that conversation yet) but if it’s what I think it is, it sounds like a stellar idea. More chaos to go around!

  5. I only watch the Super Bowl for social reasons. Visit with friends, eat some snacks, enjoy the commercials.

    So, it’s Patriots and Giants this year? That’s more than I was aware of this morning.

  6. I’ve obviously missed something somewhere with all this talk of football, the blues and Tom Cruise. I’m here to comment on Tropical Dots. What the heck are they? I don’t think we have them in Canada. Are they sort of like Wine Gums?

  7. Anne,

    1. What the hell is PPPBBBTTTTTTT (I know I didn’t get the actual number of letters correct, but it makes as much sense to me as what you wrote).

    2. South Park would totally kick the Simpsons ass(es). South Park has blood. South Park killed Kenny…every show. Bart just got choked a little.

    3. Although I’m a Mac guy (2.16 GHz Intel Core Duo / 1 GB 667MHz RAM), you won’t go to hell until someone figures out how I can play WoW on it. (I’m missing out on something there.

    3. Thanks for posting the CalvinBall rules. I remembered them in a general sorta way but its great that now I’ve been reminded that I’ve got a score of “Q” and the rest of you only have “109”. Hah!

  8. Oh, how cool. The evil network monitoring software here at work totally blocks Tom’s site. Tom, my estimation of your uber-coolness has just increased exponentially.

    Michelle, All my USB ports are on the sides, my card reader is on the side, and I’m not sure about the rest, as Squidward (my laptop) stayed home today. Even though I have class tonight, and I probably should have grabbed him as I was leaving the house.

  9. Chocolate Shipwreck

    This was unexpected. It returned the history of the Baker Chocolate Mill outside of Boston, in a place now called Milton, shortened from Mill Town.

    James Baker and John Hannon were partners in chocolate grinding. Hannon was drowned in a shipwreck, or just disappeared to get away from his wife. Baker got control of the mill from Hannon’s wife/widow, and his company kept making chocolate in the same place for almost 300 years. The Baker Chocolate Factory Mills have been renovated and are now apartments. Wonder what they smell like!

  10. ::curling up under my desk, in a snarl of mismanaged wiring, ball in hand, three vicious dogs arrayed in front of me::

    This is the green zone – don’t even try to get the ball from me! Although you can earn extra points by giving the dogs a treat.

  11. MWT, I haven’t seen anyone saying pinecones are lame. I will say though that everytime I spot your description of this game as “retarded,” it cracks me up. πŸ˜€


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