A Really Fun Review

https://juristas-ruidos.org/wwp5u2m This week brings a really fun Linux Journal review. It’s especially cool, because Kate Baker agreed to do some voice work for the video. Thanks Kate!!! (PS: It helps if you’ve seen the Tom Cruise video, and/or the Jerry O’Connell parody)

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14 thoughts on “A Really Fun Review”

  1. Michelle:

    Thanks, both my wife and I think you’re swell for reminding me to take my medicine, so you’re pretty awesome too. 🙂

    http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/img/haryxux/ Yes, in fact I had a large paperback book in the pocket during the review; both in the indoor scene and while rescuing the poor dude without WiFi. It’s the first jacket I’ve owned that has more than enough room for a paperback.

    It’s a pretty thin jacket. If I’m outside for very long, I make sure to wear a fleece or something under it. It’s VERY wind resistant, however, so for how thin it is, it does a nice job. I find it’s great by itself for quick jaunts outside, like between buildings and to the car.


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