
I’ve mentioned a few times that I desire to produce a weekly podcast. I even have a mixing board, decent mic, and enough tech know-how to publish the thing. What I’m lacking, is a focus.

https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/73qhg0yw I like the title, “Professionally Inept” because truly, I know a lot about a lot, but I’m far from a know it all. I considered having a tech podcast in which I answer questions (live, recorded, or emailed) regarding technology. The problem is that I am beginning to think I’d just be reinventing the wheel. Am I just a Leo Laporte wannabe? Is there room in the tech world for yet another tech podcast?

https://juristas-ruidos.org/8s8glct What about a tech news podcast? Latest tech gadgets podcast? A podcast geared toward the happily isolated telecommuter? A much lower budget version of The Onion? A podcast in which I lie like crazy and make stuff up, pretending it’s factual. A live video podcast ala Chris Pirillo? A video podcast of a week in the life of a tech guy, where I carry around a video camera all week, and try to make a funny montage every weekend?


Where To Buy Klonopin See my dilemma? I’m open to suggestions. (I’m talking to you too, Linux Journal folks, I’m interested in your suggestions too)

9 thoughts on “Podcast?”

  1. It’s not Professionally Inept. It’s a Jack of All Trades.


    At least that’s what I try and convince myself.

    https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/7t6gxgz0en5 For a podcast, think what you do best, with what you enjoy, and what you’re good at. For example, if I were to do a podcast, I’d answer questions on things I subjects with which I am familiar: how to do a mail merge in Word, or how to make decent pie crust or how to start a new plant from a larger plant.

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    https://electroseleccio.cat/x1k4t7os So maybe you should put out a list of subjects upon which you can answer questions compentetly, then take questions from visitors to get you started. Once you’ve done that for awhile, something may flow naturally and organically for you.

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    Or it may not. But it never hurts to try.

  2. I wanna see a podcast of you slapping John into next Tuesday. Then, you can make it a recurring theme. Every week, you show up at some lab and slap some random scientist into the following week. Then somebody will certainly comment, “That’s not a scientist, that’s an animal behaviorist.”
    Hysterical stuff.

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  3. Shawn, why have a theme for your podcast? Since you have such a wide range of interests, if you need a theme it should be “Guess what’s coming next week!” That way you can solicit ideas and use them or not. Have something completely different next week. Pretend you’re going to do one thing then surprise us with something else. Got a wild idea? Go for it.

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    https://juristas-ruidos.org/lso8yutai I’ve have enjoyed everything I’ve seen you do. Put yourself in it, and I’m sure it will be entertaining.

    https://regenamex.com/gnasv4p528 Reply
  4. Buy Zolpidem From Uk I think Tom has something there. You are funny on so many different subjects. If you wanted to be a little more structured about it, you could designate Wednesday to be Funny Kid Story day or the second week of the month as Shawn Tries to Bake Something week, depending on the frequency of the podcast.


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