And I’m at work. Because there’s work to be done. And that’s what I do. š UPDATE: 10:30 — still here. š
UPDATE: 11:30 — uh hu. Still here. š
UPDATE: 12:24 — going home. Gotta work in a few hours!
UPDATE: 12:56 — OK, I forgot a server that needed to be updated. Really going home now… I’ll get some sleep for you, and share it with you tomorrow! *hug*
I hope they appreciate you.
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Here’s that sleep I got for you last night! Hey, you should go into full time church ministry….on call 24/7, late hours, early hours, inconvenient hours, lots of hours, no matter how much you put in you’ll never get it all done…. Time wise, you’re already there! :o)
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Clonazepam Addiction Monochrome, I totally died laughing when I read your comment (I think coffee actually came out my nose….an intriguing yet grotesque sensation). Another fan of theology humor…we are a rare breed! don’t tolerate wasting coffee like that around these parts, Mister… the same time, I sincerely hope you didn’t drink the aforementioned, “nose coffee.” We don’t much tolerate Dangers Of Buying Ambien Online that kinda thing either. š 10Mg Online Uk Michelle — Your sleep package looks an awful lot like a pot of coffee to me. And I’m OK with that. have some coffee I can bring you. It’s my own special brand. I call it Nez Coffee. It’s French. hmmmmm…..
I always enjoy it when I am so sleep deprived with late night/all night work that I start hallucinating. It’s always important to have good testers working with you in that case, routers & switches are not tolerant of odd and unusual lines of config code.