Brain of Shawn Podcast #1 Here it is, episode 1 of the podcast. I considered calling this episode zero — because really there’s very little content. Then I realized that if the expectation of real content is established, I might be in trouble somewhere around episode “the next” πŸ™‚ To donate 4 minutes of your life to pointless endeavors, just click play below. NOTE: I updated so my feed is “iTunes Friendly” — sorry for the change… [display_podcast]

19 thoughts on “Brain of Shawn Podcast #1”

  1. Clonazepam For Insomnia A few things. 1. Go ahead and do 27 podcasts in one day. You think I have nothing to do all day? (O.K., I’ll listen for 3 or 4.)

    2. I suggest you follow television’s example and call this podcast #1.1 and the next one is 1.2. (Season 1, Episode 1).

    3 Why yes, I do use post-itsβ„’ (keepin it official for the sponsor.)
    When I’m working on a movie it’s really necessary to be able to see the schedule at a glance, so I get those monthly planners for the wall. Then I use different colored post-itsβ„’ for each of the day.
    Yellow = Exterior Day
    Pink = Interior Day
    Blue = Exterior Night
    Green = Interior Night.
    Then, it’s really easy to move the post-itsβ„’ around when things on the schedule change (which they always do.) That’s all I got.

  2. Zolpidem To Buy In Uk Ok — I like it. I will use the x.x method of episode naming. Can we call them Episode 1, Kerfluffle 1 instead of “season” ? Because I’ve always wanted to find a good use for the word kerfluffle…

    Or maybe Episode 1, Series 1, because that’s more British sounding.

    OR, maybe I just pronounce the dot. ie, “Season one dot one” I think I’m going to like this… πŸ˜€

    And thank you immensely for all the compliments. I’d be lying if I said they didn’t make me feel shiny.

  3. Also, I’ve consulted with Stevie Wonder, and I think my podcasts will be numbered in the traditional y=mx+b fashion. No, I mean, they’ll be numbered in the mx=y+b fashion.

    No no, I mean in the one two three method. Yeah, that’s it. (iTunes is picky, and I’m too lazy to try getting creative and compliant both. I’m a total conformist.)

  4. I’m listening to the podcast right now. You’re rather charming. πŸ™‚

    I love Post-Its! I use highlighters in a wide variety of colors, and color code my file folders.

    Wow, no schedule? 27 podcasts in 1 day? You crazy guy.

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