The Truth About Jam 03-24-08_2051.jpgThere are a couple things I want you to notice about this picture. It’s poor quality is not one of them. 🙂

Zolpidem Buy India 1) Janiece sent me this jam, because she’s really awesome, and I am pathetically awesomely fast with comments.

Order Clonazepam Online 2) It arrived when I was in Houston, and my family waited until I got home to open it. Which means that:

3) The missing jam has all been consumed in the past few days. 🙂

I know what you’re thinking. I’m a big pig, and I eat the stuff out of the jar with a spoon. Well, you’re only partially right. I did take a big spoonful out to try it. BUT, the majority of jam consumption was accomplished by my family. That’s significant because they normally don’t like strawberry jam. This is assuredly due to the yumminess of her creation. Thanks Janiece!!!

7 thoughts on “The Truth About Jam”

  1. Order Ambien Online Cheap I was going to tell Janiece yesterday that I haven’t gotten my jam yet, but then I told myself to exercise a little bit of patience. But you’ve got yours and I’m pretty sure distance mailed isn’t that significant of an issue when it comes to delivery time. (They use airplanes and stuff, I’m told.)

    Now, I’m just jealous and craving.

    Zolpidem Cheap Reply

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