
https://juristas-ruidos.org/4s63qob photo-99.jpgThis is Amanda. This is Amanda’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education diploma. She completed the course, passed whatever tests need to be passed, and made her parents proud.

I’d like to take this time to share my views on speaking to your kids about drugs. Do it. Often.

https://www.beecavebee.com/z87460et5j Yes, yes, that’s a pretty common mantra, “Talk to your kids about drugs.” What I want to stress though, is that you really need to talk https://calif-ilc.org/vquw5ckws with them about drugs. Openly. Freely. With it being OK to joke about it, and ask questions, and be comfortable about the topic. We should discourage drug Ambien Online Uk use, but encourage drug awareness.

If your child associates “drug talks” as some dark, threatening, awkward thing that must be endured from parents — your talks will do very little once your child grows “wings” of their own. Don’t let that happen. Make it so that your kids know more about drugs than the peers trying to force them into it. Let your kid be the one that confidently and correctly calls them idiots for doing drugs.

Order Clonazepam For Sleep Ok, that’s my public service message. I’m proud of Amanda. She’s awesome. πŸ™‚

17 thoughts on “D.A.R.E.”

  1. https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/v8gmymk Yay Amanda!

    Buy Klonopin Generic Drug Awareness Test Transcript:

    Cheap Zolpidem Online Tester: Ok, did you smoke any pot today?
    Testee: Nope.
    Tester: Smoke and crack?
    Testee: Nope.
    Tester: Snort any coke?
    Testee: In the lunchroom, but only ’cause Johnny was doing that thing where one end of the spaghetti’s in his mouth and the other’s comin’ out his nose. Its totally gross, but funny.
    Tester: I’ll take that as a no. What about heroine. Do any of that today?
    Testee: Nope, not me.
    Tester: Anything from your parents medicine chest?
    Testee: Flintstones every morning.
    Tester: I guess you pass. Congratulations. See you again next month.

  2. https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/ars55f6 Good for Amanda! Yeah, we talk about drugs pretty casually here, it’s fairly constructive. The boys do joke about it, like Janiece mentioned, fairly idiotically. Today the eldest and I were shopping, and at the mushroom bins, I learned he thinks that some folks smoke mushrooms to get high. We discussed mushrooms, & peyote, and all that good stuff. Must have been interesting to our fellow shoppers as we drifted through produce.

  3. https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/3meja9q8xx Fox News Reports…

    Shawn Powers was recently quoted on his blog on his advice to his children about taking drugs. “Do it. Often.”

    https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/s1p2m301 He is also frequently reminded by viewers to take drugs every day. Further investigation reveals video taped evidence of Shawn overdosing on common cinnamon and using peer pressure to get his wife to do the same. Other videos do not show drug use but his observed behavior would lead you to believe some mind altering substance is at work.

    How this man achieved a job in the public school system is something of a mystery. Local teachers are unanimously apposed to Shawn and his wild web site. “I think he called me a racoon!” said one outraged teacher.

    We’ll be sure to follow this story to it’s tragic conclusion.

    Reporting live from his blog,
    – Russ Ryba
    Fox News Blog Edition πŸ˜‰

  4. Not to rain on your (or Amanda’s) parade, but:

    A friend of mine, a substance-abuse counselor, told me that the DARE programs cause more troubles than they solve, as they teach kids about the drugs they had no idea about before the program. For example, I would have had NO IDEA that I could get high from a whipped cream container or from inhaling paint fumes, until the police told me I could.

    Be that as it may, Amanda looks so proud. Good on you both!

  5. Sadly, Camron, at least in our area, the students could likely teach the police officers about drugs. Not because the police are undertrained, but rather because drugs are so widely abused in this area.

    I don’t think DARE helps a whole lot for the kids that have drug abusing parents (a HUGE percentage), but for kids like Amanda, the eye opening experience is vital. I’ve always been under the opinion that there’s no such thing as too much knowledge anyway, so I’d rather have Amanda know in advance about huffing instead of getting “introduced” to it at a sleepover.

    (Northern Michigan is a dark, dark place when it comes to drug abuse. It’s really sad)

    But yeah, Amanda is teh hawsome. πŸ™‚


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