The Internet is Slo[connection lost]

I’m here at the Penguicon, and day 2 is going swimmingly better than day 1 did. The only downside is that I can’t seem to get a decent Internet connection. It may have something to do with the million geeks all sharing the same DSL line — but still, it’s frustrating. So far today, I had a “lobby room discussion” with John and Krissy Scalzi, and also with Randall Monroe (of XKCD). Benjamin Mako Hill agreed to do an interview with me later, AND I think I’m having sushi for dinner. What a day!

In all honesty though, I really do miss my family like crazy. Since the Internet connection is so poor, we weren’t able to Skype well last night either, so I didn’t get my fix. So this is for my family, but y’all can watch:

Ordering Zolpidem Online

13 thoughts on “The Internet is Slo[connection lost]”

  1. You are so sweet and wholesome. I feel like a bitter, cynical, nasty unpleasantness in comparison to you. Then again, I’m not married to Donna, maybe that would make a difference… Hmm. I’ll have to think about that.

  2. Yeah, Shawn’s just being all social and outwards now that he’s back home; emailing everyone who had anything to do with Penguicon about how he can help out for NEXT year! Which is of course, always appreciated. 🙂

    Feeding the LAN Party, the 30 machines in the Computer Lounge, and everyone in their hotel rooms leaving their machines on doing who KNOWS what, off of the hotel’s baby T1, certainly was a problem. 🙂


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