Last night was a talent show in our district for all kids between the 5th and 12th grade. That’s a huge age bracket, but it didn’t stop my 11 year old 5th grader from entering. I’m biased to a degree that almost negates the validity of my comments, BUT she was awesome. 🙂 Also important to note, is that almost every other singer in the competition sang with the regular artist’s CD, and effectually “sang along with the radio version.” That’s not to downplay anyone’s performance, just to express how proud of Amanda I am for singing to the music-only version of the song. See for yourself Amanda singing Krystal Meyers’ “Beauty of Grace”, and let her know in the comment section whatcha think: UPDATE: If the youtube video above is blocked, try going here instead…
Amanda you sounded great!!!!! Wish I could have been there to hear it in person!!! You have such a great voice!!! I am very proud of you!!! Love Aunt Tia Holy…wow.
I mean it’s…
What I’m trying to say…
You might not remeber me but when you were little I used to babysit you. You did such a great job and have grown into a beautiful young lady. Wow, what a wonderful job! Donna and Shawn you are so blessed to have such a talented daughter.
God Bless!
Holy Moly, that kid is awesome! What a great voice.
Hey, Shawn, howsabout a singing Linux Journal review? Her, not you, of course 🙂
What a great performance! You sang the song so well, especially in front of so many people. Sorry to have missed up, but thanks to your teckie dad we got to see it anyway.
– Josh
Great job, Amanda! Keep singing, and keep your confidence high when doing so!
Signed, a Fellow Singer
Amanda, What an awesome job! Keep on encouraging others to stand up for Christ. LOVE YA!
Mrs. Brazier
Wow! Fabulous job Amanda. Keep at it, you’ve got some pipes to be proud of.
that is my little sister!!!
amanda i am so proud of you, i wish i could have been there to watch you rock!! you rock my socks for sure!!
i love and miss you and i will be home in 6 days!!! cant wait
All I remember saying the whole time was “wow that is my niece!!!” Good Job kiddo!!!
Do your children know you blog about them? I can just picture embarrassed kids saying Daaaaaaaaad why don’t blog about celebrities like everyone else?
I’m just imagining what I would have said as a kid though.
It takes a special type of person to be able to get up and open their soul for other to see.
Great Job Amanda…from one singer to another!
She was great! What a beautiful voice! I am SO proud of you Amanda!
Love ya!
Wonderful job, Amanda. How brave of you to sing so boldly before so many people. I am proud of you!
Mrs. Ackerman
GREAT JOB AMANDA!!! You are an awesome singer! Keep up the good work and hope to see all of ya soon!!
Yay Amanda! I was much older before I had the courage to get up in front of an audience. You did great!
WOW!! That’s all I have to say…you did an amazing job!! That must have taken a lot of courage to sing in front of all your classmates!! You have a beautiful voice and are growing up so quickly!! Great job!!
From what I could see on the video, you looked like you were really into that song, which gives you stage presence that today’s stars could only hope to exhibit.
Excellent job!
Wow! What happened to that little girl I once knew?! She is all grown up!
Amanda – you did a really fantastic job singing that song and you have a beautiful voice. Keep on singing and glorifying God with that voice!
Shawn & Donna – you have a lovely daughter and every reason to be proud! She shows confidence and composure beyond her years.
On another note: Love you all, miss ya & praying for ya! – Robin Halsted
Shawn, You go out and buy that girl a pizza. And I mean right this very instant.
No, don’t reply…get the girl reward pizza!
Just don’t get it delivered from Dominos.
WOWWW!!!! u r sooooooooo grown up……..u sound amazing. great job!!!!=)
miss u and luv u lots.
Well I did tell him to go out and get it, Vince.
I could not believe that was you singing on that stage. I was so excited and I felt adrenaline rushing through me when you sang. You were awesome, and you totally blew the crowd away! 🙂
Keep on singing! > Kari
Wow. She is “shawesome.”
Get it? Shawn + awesome? Shawesome?
Seriously, great work!
You could be the next American Idol! Great job Amanda, you’re awesome!
Amanda, You did a great job! I wish I could have seen it in person. God Bless
Beautifully sung, Amanda. You’ve got a great voice and stage presence. Bravo!
Amanda, that was outstanding! I would buy your CD!!! American Idol, here she comes! Great job!!!
Great job, Amanda! I’m very proud of you. I never knew the quiet girl in the front row had such a big voice. I wish I could have seen it live.
you did great luv ya gril
Hey Amanda, my computer wouldn’t load the show. but i was there and saw you. you were so! lol I love you and i just wanted to say you are brave. braver than i’ll ever be.i could never do that by myself. i love you like a sister
love always, kelsie
Good job Amanda! You have some nice pipes for a fifth grader. Keep singing and you should join more talent shows!