Here’s a quick look at the newest version of Ubuntu Linux. If you’re into that sorta thing, check it out. If not, here’s a link to a random LOLCat. It’s hard to go wrong with the kitties…
I’m all set to install Ubuntu on Monday. I’m glad to see that the terminal services client is in the default install. That will make my life a little easier. Thats a pretty cool background, I think they improved on the old one. Me too. Plus, there are countless “give them the bird” jokes to be had… Let me know how the Ubuntu install goes for you.
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Ambien Online Overnight Shipping A nice overview of Ubuntu, any plans to do similar ones of the other flavors e.g. Kubuntu (KDE3 or KDE4 version), MythUbuntu, etc…?
Shawn, apologies but I got tagged and I had to get six other people. You’re it.
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