Where in the World is shawnp0wers?

https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/yn88uflgkpg If you don’t know, August stinks for me. Busy, busy, busy, busy. I used to just give up sleep to accomplish August, but my body is reminding me I’m no longer in my twenties. My alarm went off this morning at 3AM, and I didn’t actually wake up until 10. Which kinda sucks.


Anyway, here’s the shotgut approach at catching up on things:

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  • Monday, my site got Dugg. It was funny that it was about a digg rant. My site crumbled, and was offline for about 80% of the traffic that was coming in. Sitemeter recorded 8,000+ visitors, and that was just folks that were able to load the page. I normally get about 100. GoDaddy will not be my hosting provider when my pre-paid time expires…
  • I have pink eye. I think it’s because I stayed up all weekend updating servers in time for secretaries on Monday morning. My eyes like to rest, and I think my immune system is teh funk right now, so they got all pinky on me. I’m wearing glasses for a while, and I HATE IT. They make me feel like the 4 eyed middle school kid that got picked on when he was younger. Ugh. (and no, ironically I don’t even remember the middle school torture — apparently it affected more than just personal memories…)
  • I’m behind on work. I hate that. Dearest co-workers: My apologies.
  • Eh, there’s probably more, but I need to get back to work. TTFN!


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