As many of you know, I was one of the final 12 guys for the Hot Blogger Calendar contest. Yes, this is embarrassing. No, I don’t think I deserve it. Still, if you want to own your very own calendar with shawnp0wers as the November “model” — I think you should be able to fulfill such a desire.
Just click on on the photo up there in the corner, and it should take you to the Hot Blogger site, where you can buy your very own. I think they are $12 each, with an additional $2.50 for shipping. If you want to order more than one (if you do, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know about it), you only pay once for shipping. Ok, there ya go. Let us never speak of this again. 😀 If I do buy one and I do go to Penguincon and I do bring said calendar with me…will you sign it? And buy me a beer? Zolpidem Online ::swoon:: If you never wanted to speak of this again, you probably should have disabled comments on this post. Because you’re probably going to see lots of talk on the subject. 😀 Nathan – Yes to both — but honestly, the latter will most likely be worth more. 🙂
How To Get Klonopin Online SafelyJeri – well, if it can be contained to *this* post, I’ll just have to live with it.
Purchase Ambien Cr 12.5 Mg If I blocked the comments, I fear where I’d be reading about it. O.o it will appear other places. Perhaps. Ya never know, ya know. Just sayin’. Zolpidem Tartrate 10 Mg Tablet Squee! I’m buying 2. Way too funny, Shawn.
Where Can I Buy Zolpidem Tartrate Shawn, did you know that only United States residents can purchase your Calendar? SO not fair to the Canadian Contingent of the UCF 🙁
Klonopin 2Mg Online Hmmm… I dropped an email to one of the ladies in charge. I’ll let you know what she says.
Um, yeah, so maybe this makes me the odd one, but I pre-ordered mine a week ago… Thanks Shawn 🙂
Ambien Buying Online I can’t wait! I think we are getting like 20 or something… lol. I am bummed we didn’t have them in time for your visit 🙁
Buy Klonopin Generic Just to clarify — Katherine’s husband is one of the guys in the calendar too. I assure you it ain’t all about me. hehehehe
Yeah, I totally bought one. I feel obligated since I kinda helped get you into this mess. I still think it’s infinitely hilarious.
Hello friends up North! We definitely do not want Canada to feel left out! Please email me at porricelli[at]gmail[dot]com if you’d like to purchase the calendar to see Shawn in all his Hot Blogger glory. 🙂 I’ll be able to figure out the shipping for you (we’ll keep it as low as possible). And make sure to let me know that Shawn sent you! Thanks,
Well. I’m impressed. You got yourself November. Can we at least see the picture?
Ambien Cr 12.5 Online I don’t think I’m allowed to show the photo… It’s me, in a tree, with a laptop. 🙂 I think someone should expand on Nathans idea. Track down everyone in the calendar and get each month signed.
That would make a neat thing to Ebay for a charity next December. The money could go for a down and out family to have Christmas. No I’m not volunteering