My Too Tall Desk

I’ve mentioned my little “office area” in our bedroom before. The more I use the desk, however, the more I’m annoyed by its height. The entire desk is about 6 inches too tall. The keyboard is a bit too high, the monitor is a bit too high, and that makes the webcam too high — it just goes on and on.

I got a chair that has a bit higher adjustment, but even still it’s not quite high enough. I’m actually considering creating a raised floor for the corner of my room. It’s driving me nuts.

Are there standards for desk heights? Why would mine be so darn tall? Grumble grumble grumble.

6 thoughts on “My Too Tall Desk”

  1. Ok, you’re a computer geek, not a carpenter. Still, it should have occurred to you that a few of inexpensive U-bolts from the hardware ought to out-perform duct tape as a means of attachment. Me, I’d have made a five sided platform, using the chair for a template (on a piece of plywood) and found a way to attach the wheels back to the bottom of it BUT, results are what counts. If it works for you, that’s the desired result.


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