See, my wife is gone for the evening. And if you recall, my desk is too tall. I’m a solution man. 🙂 Posted on Natuba
See, my wife is gone for the evening. And if you recall, my desk is too tall. I’m a solution man. 🙂 Posted on Natuba
Klonopin Delivery In 24 Hours So. Um. Why not buy a chair that moves up down? There are some that go quite high. Just askin’.
Clonazepam Withdrawal Help That’s…. um.
See, it’s just that…
Buy Klonopin Without Prescription Uh. Good job, Shawn. Ladies and gentlemen, Shawn Powers, Furniture hacker wizard. You can get some nice caster wheels at your local hardware store that you could put on the bottom of your wood frame to restore mobility to your newly embiggened chair assembly thingy. Of course, they’d make it taller still – you’d have to account for that. Maybe if you painted the box blue, to match your chair? 😉
That may technically count as a mashup, bpx. I mean, he started with a chair (element 1) and added some wood (element 2) and then some duct tape (element 3). Now he can sit, sit high, not wobble, and if an intruder breaks in he’s got a ready-made attack-and-restrain system: whack the baddie on the head with the wood then bind said baddie to the chair with duct tape until the cops arrive.
Is your wife going to let you keep that when she sees it?
Candie: At full biggification, the chair is still to short for my mutant desk. And I’m cheap.
Jeri: You know, I have 5 unused caster wheels now… But putting wheels on this would be silly. I mean, that’d just look dumb. 😉 Crystal: I’m relying on the “freak out the intruders” method. I’ll let you know how it goes. 🙂 MWT: I expect her to roll her eyes, but yes. She’s teh hawesome.
Well. There you go.
(And now your new nickname shall be, “Tim, the Toolman Taylor.”) You might be a redneck if…… Is getting a new desk out of the question?
Online Ambien Prescription How big is this desk, could James (my husband for those who don’t know)use some of his “tools” to cut the legs off? He’s got some amazing stuff out there in the garage.
Shawn P0wers!! (that’s me yelling at you on behalf of Donna)
Buy Ambien Overnight Shipping Red Green would be proud of you. Duct tape, the handyman’s secret weapon.
Ambien Zolpidem Buy Online Ah, duct tape. Is there nothing you can’t do?
Klonopin 1Mg For Sale I see you didn’t go through with a full commitment and screw the legs of the chair into the wood.
Anyways, the better solution is probably to buy a higher chair. I think that having a char that doesn’t roll would be more annoying than a short one.
Damn it! Code_Bleu said it before I could.
Since the chair you’re using doesn’t have arms, what about a drafting table chair? They go much higher than your typical desk chair.
So where did you get the desk praytell? You’re a tall fellow? Was the Jolly Green Giant downsizing and liquidating assets or something? I’ve never seen a desk that was THAT tall.
Ambien Online Buy Stay classy Shawn
Uhm, my suggestion would be to use a booster seat. I guess this works too. Kudos to your ingenuity.
I may have missed this, but life would now be easier if you put casters on the desk.
Ambien Cr Online Canada we have desk chairs at home that are made out of pinewood, pine seems to be a good wood for desk chairs;” i like to use wooden desk chairs in comparison with those plastic ones”; our desk chair is made up of high quality pine wood, i love this desk chair*,,